
Moving with Little Kids

Moving is hard work and if you have littles? Whew, the lift is going to feel heavier.

Here are five helpful tips to lighten your load when moving with littles.

Tip 1 – Gamify. Agree on a prize your kids will earn by being good helpers.

Tip 2 – To Dos. Create age appropriate to do’s and give them a list they can check off.

Tip 3 – Hire a babysitter. Even if your kids are great helpers and you are very organized hire a babysitter to give yourself uninterrupted focus and your kids a safe and fun break from the moving transition.

Tip 4 – Pack overnight bags. And keep them easily accessible. This will remove the pressure on moving day and give you and your kiddos clear expectations for what you need right away and where those things are.

Tip 5 – Budget for takeout. Another way of staying organized and making the move experience special and rewarding is by ordering takeout.